
Launching: GoWalkies – an app helping dog walkers to build a business

Who? GoWalkies was founded by former Army commander and market trader Sonny D’Avola (above). W...

TransferGo boss: Diverse talent key to levelling up non-London tech companies

The government recently published its long-awaited ‘Levelling Up’ proposals, which identified th...

Which UK city is best for SME jobs?

The best 25 places in Britain to work for a small business have been revealed. iwoca research use...

Meet the sustainable version of Jeff Bezos

Entrepreneur Joe Darwen describes Veo as what would happen if Greta Thunberg went into business with...

Meet the ‘productivity geek’ unlocking human potential

We all have the same hours in the day - and many of us are constantly looking for new ways of wringi...

Former strongman and MMA fighter targets climate change

As a former strongman and MMA fighter Rich Kenny loves a challenge but he says nothing is bigger tha...

My experience in A&E made me a better founder

The NHS has long been the pride of Britain: a free healthcare system which enshrines the right for c...

Inspirational training specialist expands to North West

A Scottish inspirational training specialist that provides expert leadership coaching and personal d...

The key to commercialising a medical device

MedTech companies are slower to market than almost any other technology subsector - and with good re...

Are regional SMEs being hurt by digital postcode lottery?

Businesses and young people in areas of Britain are falling into a ‘digital postcode lottery’ tr...

‘Luka Modric, Silicon Valley and me’

A lot has changed in Ivan Klaric’s life in the last 10 years. Back in 2012 the then 23-year-old...

Why size doesn’t matter if you want to grow internationally

With 10 staff and a turnover of just under £1m, going to America wouldn’t be the obvious next ste...