
‘Having a disabled son changed my outlook on life’

James Wilkinson recently turned 40 and is a changed man. He’s the CEO and co-founder of car fin...

Taking funding vs bootstrapping – what’s best?

$1.4 trillion! According to Richard Faulkner, managing director at Silicon Valley Bank, that’s ...

Are SMEs’ global ambitions being thwarted by banks?

Thanks to technology, one of the most fertile areas for startup growth is overseas expansion. Alm...

‘Don’t create a company for the sake of it’

Before you create a company to launch your amazing idea, be honest with yourself: is there really a ...

Launching: Bound – protecting SMEs against yo-yoing exchange rates

Who? Bound’s founders built software for professional risk managers and traders from some of th...

How to build and sell two businesses for £50m inside a decade 

For a man who has, alongside his co-founder David Hague, built and sold two businesses with an aggre...

Meet the VC backing underrepresented founders – and looking for more

A global venture capitalist firm with a focus on backing startup founders from underrepresented grou...

You can’t ‘rinse and repeat’ in new markets

The nature of technology has made it easier than ever to launch into new markets. Companies serio...

Startup founders: Give yourself six months to raise capital

Startups are notoriously time-poor, with founders performing multiple roles from raising investment ...

Meet the ‘transformation CEO’ leading fast-growth Sorted

Sorted is a company which has been on the up for some years now. Founded in 2010 by David Grimes ...

Why private equity can be a force for growth

It’s fair to say private equity gets a mixed press. Critics accuse them of asset-stripping whil...

Look after your customers – they are the people at the coalface

There is an adage you often hear within the technology sector: ‘don’t create a solution first th...

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