
TravelTech Holibob’s revenue leaps 600% in six months

Travel technology company Holibob grew revenue 600% in the last six months. The London firm colle...

I met my ‘tech for good’ co-founder on Instagram!

Ahrum Pak seemingly had it all. Born in Hawaii to Korean parents, she spent most of her childhood...

‘Activist investment’ startup which took on Amazon sees 133% rise in users

The number of investors becoming ‘activists’ through investment platform Tulipshare rose by 133%...

Tech firm Axiologik grows 100% in each of first 5 years

Digital delivery consultancy Axiologik has announced an average growth of 100% year on year and take...

Launching: PIGEON – a skill-sharing platform for communities

Who? Mark Ward, founder of Australian Vermouth brand Regal Rogue, is the company's founder. Why? ...

‘I wish I’d worn more hair gel when I had the choice!’

At 21, the world was my oyster and stardom beckoned — having accidentally secured myself a role in...

One in five small businesses ‘may not survive the year’

Bosses at more than one in five small businesses could be forced to close their doors for good due t...

How do you take a startup from ‘impossible’ to ‘done’?

When something has never been done before, the challenge of creating a successful company to provide...

Meet the 5 top brands killing it on TikTok

Love it or hate it, TikTok is impossible to ignore. With one billion regular users it’s the wor...

How WeWork crash changed VCs’ mindset

The spectacular crash of WeWork in September 2019 was a wake-up call to the global tech sector. T...

Universities ‘failing to equip young entrepreneurs’

New data suggests that half of recent graduates received no advice or encouragement on starting thei...

How do you create an inclusive, happy workplace?

A top workplace culture speaker has revealed her secrets for creating an inclusive, happy workplace....