NordicNinja has appointed a new COO in tech industry leader Row Knapp.

Knapp, who has worked at fast-growing European tech companies including Skype and King after beginning her career at eBay – as well as Tech Nation – will be tasked with helping its portfolio companies ‘go from zero to IPO’.

NordicNinja is Europe’s largest Japanese VC backing companies tackling the world’s carbon footprint. It launched in London in September.

“I’m delighted to be joining NordicNinja. It’s rare to find an operator-led fund of this calibre in Europe and I’m excited to get started in supporting our portfolio to grow successfully,” said Knapp. 

“I think a good operator should use their past experience to look around corners and approach the business with flexibility and agility. 

“They should be able to steer a company in the direction of growth and read people well, and I look forward to working with our founders to help them do just that.”

She will focus on developing the operational excellence of fund operations as well as working with founders and their teams across the NordicNinja’s portfolio to help them solve mission-critical issues and grow their businesses. 

Knapp is also passionate about diversity: whilst COO at Tech Nation, she implemented Libra, a programme for ethnic minority founders.

BBRC appointments to support growth plans