Hindsight is a fine thing. But looking back, I wouldn’t do things differently.

I have gotten to where I am today through a series of decisions and choices that I made at a particular time in my life – no matter how big, small, or risky they were.

I came to the realisation that I was never going to have all the answers or information all the time, so I just needed to keep making decisions, trusting my gut, and adapting and learning quickly from the evolving circumstances. And then make more decisions.

From the ages of 16 to 24, I pursued my education while working. I attended night school and participated in day releases from work, which ultimately led to a mechanical and electrical engineering honours degree from the University of Hull. While it was hard work, it was a strategy that allowed me to gain valuable work experience and education simultaneously. Looking back, this has shaped my business mindset and given me skills to use later in my career.

Mizaic – the home of MediViewer

I think one of the biggest lessons you can learn is the value of patience and refraining from rushing into rash decisions. Being clear on what you want to achieve in your career is crucial. For me at a young age, it was about obtaining more qualifications for higher-skilled roles, so I made sure I worked hard and was able to achieve this.

In any career journey, there will be knockbacks and rejections. The key is to stay resilient and positive despite these setbacks and not to take it personally. Every opportunity, whether positive or negative, should be taken as a lesson to grow for the future.

Looking back at my own trajectory, I realise that it’s very hard for any 21-year-old to be perfectly clear about where their career will end up and that there’s no smooth linear path to achieving what you want. Sometimes the path can be unexpected, and that’s perfectly okay. When I was 30, I found myself in a dramatically different field – from engineering to IT – and if you had told me that in my early 20s, I probably wouldn’t have believed you. It’s rare for anyone to end up exactly where they thought they would be by the time they reach 30.


But I listened to myself when I felt I was ready for a change, trusted my gut and took the leap. So I’d say confidence in yourself is essential. Set ambitious goals and work hard toward them.

My own career path, like many others, hasn’t been a straight line. It’s more like a journey that involves moving from side to side, with twists and turns. Being open to this idea and embracing change is crucial.

The key takeaway for me is to seize every available opportunity and have the courage to pursue what I want to do. The realm of possibilities is vast; all you need is the motivation to explore it.

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The lesson here is to work harder and smarter than everyone else so that when those opportunities do present themselves, you’re ready to seize them. I’ve always believed that hard work pays off and is directly correlated with success. I’ve seen first-hand how determination, resilience, and a willingness to adapt have shaped my journey.

So, to my younger self, and to anyone embarking on their career journey, my advice is simple: Pursue your ambitions, stay patient, be open to change, and trust in your ability to adapt and overcome.

Life is full of surprises, but with the right mindset, each surprise becomes an opportunity for growth and success.

Jon Pickering is CEO of Mizaic, star of BusinessCloud’s HealthTech 50 in 2023

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