Aston University is to invest £18 million into doctoral research to recruit and nurture the research leaders of tomorrow.

The investment supports the Birmingham-based university’s vision to be a leading institution of science, technology and enterprise.

It will fund research at the interfaces of science, health, technology and enterprise, socio-economic transformations driven by digitalisation, and pressing economic, social and other challenges addressed by researchers in Aston University’s colleges and research institutes.

Successful candidates will be recruited for the studentships on the basis of excellence and provided with the support they need to excel as doctoral researchers. They will drive forward their own research projects and make significant contributions to existing innovative research projects and teams.

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A range of support will be available, including full studentships covering the cost of UK fees and student stipend paid at rates equivalent to UKRI-funded studentships, as well as a fund for research expenses.

“This investment represents the university’s strategic commitment to supporting inclusive, entrepreneurial and translational research with a clear transformational impact so that the people, businesses and communities it serves can thrive economically, socially and culturally,” said Professor Phil Mizen, associate pro-vice-chancellor researcher development at Aston University.

“I am delighted that, through these studentships, we are able to provide more opportunities for doctoral researchers to gain essential skills and to foster excellence in research and innovation.”

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