The British Safety Council is offering SMEs the chance to get free support to improve the wellbeing of their workplace.

It is taking the action in the face of pressures following COVID-19 and in light of a worsening economy.

Through its campaign on workplace wellbeing, Keep Thriving, the health, safety and wellbeing charity is inviting SMEs and micro-sized employers to apply to attend one of a series of free three-hour workshops to help them develop a wellbeing strategy. 

Applications are open until 30th November. Any employer with to up to 500 staff can apply here.

The sessions, delivered by experts from British Safety Council’s Being Well Together programme, will help employers explore why wellbeing matters to them, their people and their business, and ways they can improve their wellbeing. 

The session will help small, medium and micro-sized employers to develop a strategy which works and to track and evaluate their progress.

“We’ve been seeing more and more pressures piling onto businesses, especially smaller ones, both following the COVID pandemic and with the rising cost of energy, and as a charity we want to do something to help,” said Peter McGettrick, chairman of the British Safety Council. 

“That’s why we are offering SMEs and micro-sized employers the chance to improve the wellbeing of their staff, completely free of charge.

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“Employers will be able to meet other like-minded organisations to discuss the challenges, opportunities, and best ways of developing a wellbeing strategy and find out how improving wellbeing boosts their organisational performance and reduces the likelihood of accidents and ill-health among their staff. 

“This is a great chance to take a fresh look at how you, your staff and your business can succeed and thrive together.”

As well as the free workshops, British Safety Council is offering all employers who attend the opportunity to apply for a cash award to fund activity they decide to do as a result. The charity wants to make up to £10,000 available to one or more organisations.

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